Well my friends in this edition we had the opportunity to ask the Ust Agisnirodi Hasbullah about Slaughtering animals Sacrifice, for friends who want to submit questions for the next edition we invite contact Sister-ukhti Wazlam
Sri Almaida Ritonga Class 1CUstadz Assalamu'alaikum Agis, I want to ask ya, what is meant by Idhul Adha? Answer:Wa'alaikum Ukhti..Idhul Adha greeting is returned to remember the events that made by Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail.Santi Class 3 Int C Salam Ustad..Boleh nanya khan? why Idhul Adha should cut the goat and ox?Answer;Wa'alaikum salam..boleh ... because in Shari'a right on Idhul Adha
feast for cutting-legged animals empatdengan a human philosophy that
Satan tempt her general from four directions.Siti Fadhilla Rahmi Class 1 Int CAssalamu'alaikum Ustad..Ana want to ask .. how the origin of the events Idhul Adha?AnswerWa'alaikum Salam nakkuu ... beginning Idhul Adha is when the Prophet
Ibrahim dreamed ordered to menyembeli son Ibrahim Ismail but a test of
obedience replaced by Allah with a goat.Source daughter Suriani Panjaitan Class 1EAssalamu'alaikum Ustad..Tad want to ask .. why should Sacrifice? AnswerWa'alaikum Regards .. because slaughterhouses must Sacrifice Sacrifice
as a symbol of destruction of properties that exist in the human
zoological implementing SacrificeIkrima Sholihah Class 3C and Istiqfah Aulia 1G classAssalamu'alaikum Ustad..Sehatkan? want to ask .. why Idhul Adha should be held royally?Answer:Wa'alaikumsalam..Alhamdulillah healthy .. sacrifices must be lively
because it epitomizes the feeling of love, the teaching of Islamic
Shari'aBeautiful Putriyadi Class 1CAssalamu'alaikum Tad .. why we should Sacrifice in Idhul Adha feast, why not another day or a normal day?AnswerWa'alaikum
greetings, Sacrifice held on the feast of Adha Idhul tasyriq since the
days of the date of 10 to 13 Dhu al-Hijjah because slaughterhouses are
carried out in addition to the four days that no longer named Sacrifice
but is shadaqoh. by: Masriani Adhillah & Hanifa Aulia
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» Santriwati Asked Ustadz Answering
Santriwati Asked Ustadz Answering
Written By Unknown on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 | 5:18 AM
Question And Answer